Adult Bible Studies

A great way to share our lives is to study and discuss God’s Word together in smaller groups. At The Granville Chapel, we offer multiple opportunities for you to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ with other believers. Our current studies are listed below.


Current Groups

Monday Night Small Group

This group meets every other Monday night from 7-8:30 PM at the home of Mike and Dianna Seay, usually studying a Ligonier video series. For further info, contact Dianna Seay.


Men's Saturday Morning Bible Study

Men are welcome to have coffee, share life and discuss the weekly CBR (Community Bible Reading) Saturday mornings at 7:30. The schedule can be found in Church Center or the newsletter. Contact Ken Kemper for more information.


Men’s Thursday Morning Bible Study

The Thursday morning men’s Bible study is meeting from 6:30–7:30 AM at the church. Enjoy a time of Word, prayer, and fellowship before heading off on your day.


Men’s Book Study

The Men’s Book Study is reading and discussing the book, “Charity & Its Fruits” by Jonathan Edwards. This group meets on 1st and 3rd Sunday evenings at 6:30PM, at alternate locations.


If you are interested in attending or learning more about any of these groups please contact our Director of Administration, Anna Jones!