Our Vision & Mission
The vision of The Granville Chapel is to glorify God by sharing our lives and the gospel of Jesus Christ with our community while standing firmly on His Word.
The Granville Chapel is a covenant family committed to creating disciples of Jesus Christ through the preaching and teaching of God's Word and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit; partnering with others in our community to minister to those in need; working with the PCA to plant churches in surrounding areas; and supporting missions throughout all of God's Kingdom here on earth.
Our Core Values
The gospel is the good news that Jesus Christ, who is fully God and fully man, has lived, died, and is risen again for those given to Him by the Father. Through His atoning death upon the cross, and the gift of saving faith, believers can know that, because God's wrath against their sin was exhausted, they are freely forgiven, graciously redeemed and reconciled to God, given new life through the transforming power of His Holy Spirit, set free to love Him and live for Him, and guaranteed eternal life in His presence in heaven.
God's Word, as contained in the Old and New Testaments, is Divinely inspired, absolutely authoritative, without error, completely true, and sufficient to address all matters of a Christian's faith and practice. When the church is committed to weekly expository preaching and the regular personal reading and study of God's Word, they will be best equipped to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Discipleship is partnership with the Church as God grows us in our faith to become more and more like Jesus Christ. Because we have been delivered from the bondage of sin, we are called to embrace the transforming power of God through His Holy Spirit that enables us to be free from self-righteousness and self-condemnation as we diligently pursue lives of faithfulness and personal holiness.
As a covenant family, united to Christ and to one another, we are called to share our lives together in gospel-centered community. God has called us to worship together, to use our gifts and resources for the needs of others, to share each other's burdens, to confess our sins to one another, to pray for each other, and to celebrate God's purpose and faithfulness in the midst of our triumphs and suffering.
As a covenant family, we join God's mission to share the gospel with others both in word and deed. All Christians are called to share the hope of Jesus Christ with others, and the church must remain committed to sending missionaries and supporting mission work throughout all of God's Kingdom here on earth.