Kids Rock & Chapel456
Children’s Ministry
The mission of Kids Rock (Grades PreK-6) is to help children build their lives upon Jesus Christ, their rock.
Hebrews 4:16, "Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace in our time of need."
0-3 years: Nursery care is available each Sunday in the Education Building. Please be sure that your child is registered and that you sign them in and out each week. Following the service, children will be dismissed only to their parent or guardian. In addition to our nursery, a Mother’s Room is available directly behind the sanctuary. This area provides a quiet space and is equipped with a radio to allow for the sermon to be heard.
Preschool-3rd grade: Kids Rock is our ministry for children aged preschool-3rd grade. Children are dismissed to their Kids Rock class following the singing portion of our service. They return following the sermon, before/during Communion. Classes are held in the lower portion of the Education Building.
Children of all ages are always welcome to remain in the entire service on Sunday mornings if you so desire. Kids’ Bulletins are also available each week for older children to use during the service. These provide an engaging and meaningful guide that can help students follow along with the service. Kids Bulletins can be found on the front table in the vestibule.
Teachers Who Care
Kids Rock classes are taught by members of The Granville Chapel who have felt a calling to share the love of Jesus with the children of our church. There is a true sense of community among the Kids Rock kids as we grow and pray with them each week.
If you are interested in serving in Children’s Ministry please contact James Davis.
We can't wait for your child to join us!
Chapel456 is our ministry designed just for kids in grades 4-6! We have a monthly fellowship event for this age. Friends are always welcome to join us! Contact Austin for information on our next meeting.