Zambia Partnership
The Zambia partnership is a joint effort between Equipping Leaders International (ELI) and The Granville Chapel. It will be administered by Pastor Dan Layman (“Partnership Coordinator”) in cooperation with Dr. William Zulu (“National Partner” and General Secretary of the Reformed Church in Zambia [RCZ]). The various training classes (both by zoom and in-person) will be taught by Pastor Dan and other qualified/approved teachers (elders, deacons, laymen). To meet the strategic goals of the RCZ, the partnership will aim to train at least 12 key RCZ pastors who can then begin training the hundreds of church planters who serve rural preaching stations throughout the country. By sending these key pastors out to teach courses they have already completed prior to final certification, the forthgoing training process can start as early as 2025. If successful, complete certification can happen exponentially for these hundreds of church planters within 3-5 years of commencement. Should the RCZ Synod approve the ELI curriculum to fulfill the education requirements necessary for ordination, this partnership will also help to overcome the obstacle of access to Justo Mwale University that now exists for rural church planters.