Revelation 18:1-24 "How To Break Up With the World" Sermon Series: King of Glory (A Series in Revelation 17-22)

This week at The Chapel, we continue our series in the Book of Revelation, “King of Glory,” by turning to chapter 18. In these verses we find a prophetic lament for Babylon the Great, that symbol of worldly systems and culture that seduces people to worship the beast. With echoes of other similar laments in the Old Testament (particularly Ezekiel 26 and 27), the lament’s purpose is to contrast the coming judgment of God against the world with the future rejoicing of the saints in Christ’s ultimate future victory. Join us this week as Pastor Dan helps us to heed this lament in context of the great call of the entire passage, the cry of warning in 18:4 for God’s people to separate themselves from Babylon the Great lest we also share in her sins and in her coming judgment.

Mario Fulan